

Standing Orders

These are the written rules of the Council they are used to confirm the Council's internal organisation, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings. Pool-in-wharfedale Parish Council Standing Orders may be viewed or downloaded below.


Financial Regulations

These govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council. Financial Regulations are one of the Council's governing policy documents, providing procedural guidance for members and officers and they must be observed in conjunction with the Council's Standing Orders. The regulations may be viewed using the link below.


Pool Parish Council makes decisons at each monthly meeting through a majority decision of those present and voting. All business for decision is specified on the agenda which is issued at least 3 days before any meeting. Agendas are usually published on the website and are also available from the Clerk.

Some finance matters and policy preparation are formally delegated to the Finance Committee - the terms of reference are below.

Minor matters for decision between meetings are delegated to the Clerk. Decisions are never delegated to a single councillor however we have several working parties whose remit includes practical management of projects.